Viola da Gamba, Baroque violoncello, Historical instruments of the Renaissance and Baroque periods (Viella, Vihuela de arco, RenaissanceViol, Lyra-Viol)
Viola da Gamba, Baroque violoncello, Historical instruments of the Renaissance and Baroque periods (Viella, Vihuela de arco, RenaissanceViol, Lyra-Viol)
“…con la vihuela de arco, cuya sonoridad se adapta perfectamente a la voz dulce de la soprano, consiguiendo un empaste cálido y adecuado al tipo de música“. Sobre el CD La Viola D’Arc a la corona d’Aragó. Teresa Pueyo, Diario del Alto Aragon, 06/06/2010
Originally from Alicante (Spain), the reputable gambist, cellist and musicologist Fernando Marín has specialized in early bowed instruments of the Renaissance and Baroque periods, historical interpretation and chamber music. He received his doctorate in musicology with his thesis on the Hispanic Bowed Vihuela (its sound and gut strings). Through his research on its origins, ways of interpreting and repertoire of these instruments, he has developed a specific technique of bowing and accompanying the voice as well as contributing to the manufacture of historical gut strings. He studied in Prague (CZ), Cologne (DE) and Brussels (BE) being Wieland Kuijken one of his most renowned professors. Together with soprano Nadine Balbeisi, he founded the duo Cantar alla viola, dedicated for over 20 years to the interpretation of medieval and renaissance music. For their instruments, Cantar alla viola researches historical reproductions of Renaissance models and materials, including building techniques and gut strings. The harmonies of the instruments are sustained by using a special and refined bow technique, creating a sound that blends well with the human voice. His art of accompanying the voice can be heard in his recordings: The Complete Polyphonic Works by Juan Blas de Castro (1561-1631), Robert Jones: The Second Booke of Songs and Ayres (1601), the Vihuela de Arco in the Kingdom of Aragon, Each Lovely Grace: The second booke of Ayres by William Corkine (1612) and Segreti Accenti with works by Luca Marenzio, Costanzo Festa and Luzasco Luzzaschi. F. Marín has also recorded five solo CDs: “eVIOLution”, on the origins and evolution of the viola da gamba, “sCORDAtura”, on the use of historicla gut strings and different tunings, “The Art of the Vihuela de arco”, and Magia Consoni et Dissoni, and “Cello’s inside.” Currently he designs and builds his own historical instruments and produces and supervices his own recordings. He regularly collabroates with Capilla de Ministrers and Carles Magraner in concerts and recordings. He published several articles for the journals for musicology Nassarre and Quodlibet. Together with Nadine Balbeisi and the Brazilian composer, choir conductor, jazz and clavichord player Jean Kleeb, he founded the trio Viola da Samba, recording his first CD De río a Rio in 2015. Fernando Marín maintains active researching and teaching historical interpretation and early bowed instruments in Europe and the USA. He has given lectures, master classes and courses on historical interpretation, improvisation and historical performance on vihuela de arco (viola d’arco and renaissance viols) in Alicante (2007), Zaragoza (2011 and 2014), the United States (2013), Albarracín (2013), Valladolid (2015), and Marburg (2017). In 2017 he won a Leonardo Grant for Researchers and Cultural Creators of the BBVA Foundation with his proyect: Recuperación de las vihuelas de arco renacentistas y su interpretación musical.He is currently, and since 2003 the Viola da Gamba teacher at the Conservatorio Profesional de Música in Zaragoza. "This is a very attractive recording indeed. This is not least for the simplicity of the forces involved, but also the range of moods and emotions which four separate variants of the bowed and plucked viol are able to conjure. What we've here is musical purity and transparency, refreshing to simply sit back and listen to the fragile gentleness of Fernando Marín's playing, as he draws us closely into his early-era sound-scape." Radio New Zealand Concert, sep 2010, sobre el CD eVIOLution
"La vihuela de arco faze dulçes vayladas, adurmiendo a las vezes, muy alta a las vegadas, vozes dulces, sabrosas, claras e bien puntadas, a las gentes alegra, a todas Ayene pagadas." Arcipreste de Hita (ca.1351)